
Saturday, January 22, 2011

When I am gone

When I am gone

When I am gone…..
The music that we create you and me,
A symphony so divine and incredible
With our body and soul playing as one,
Will become nothing but an echo
That resonates through the corridors of our heart.

When I am gone…..
The love that was awakened in us
After lifetimes of loneliness and searching,
That always brought a smile on our lips
Will be sealed away in the deep recesses of our mind,
To reminisce and debate about “what ifs” on lonely days.

When I am gone….
The song that sings in our hearts,
A tune so beautiful and ethereal
That our hearts dance as one in ecstasy,
Will become frozen in time forever
That cries to be resurrected in another lifetime.

When I am gone….
The veil of ignorance that was lifted
And we rediscovered what had been lost
A love story, an ancient tale that is timeless,
Will come down for always before it begins,
And our tale carried by the winds of time to oblivion.

When I am gone….
The journey that had held a promise of togetherness,
Of golden dunes, snowy mountains, tranquil sea and exotic lands
To hold and behold as one, a fusion of two souls
Will become a weary path of a lonesome traveler
That holds no magic, no fulfillment, and no desire.

When I am gone….When I am gone…When I am gone…..


  1. What a beautiful, somber poem. Thanks for linking in to my Smiley Sociology Study. Feel free to link in up to five posts. :)

  2. Such beautiful, haunting words - gave me goosebumps and love the images too x

  3. Rimly - this is beautiful! I read each line twice so I could linger on the emotions portrayed by you a little longer.

  4. Rimly, Lovers are eternal!
    Oh, what a poem!

  5. I agree with Rachel...somber but beautiful! Great poem Rimly.

  6. OMG -- Rimly, you're breaking my heart! XOXOXOXO

  7. One day at a time,this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.
    This is exquisite work...Rimly,you sure know how to touch one's soul...I simply love it.

  8. Thank you Harshal for reading and commenting

    Rachel I never replied to your comment. Thank you so much

  9. Kriti thank you so much. I really appreciate your commenting so beautifully

  10. Rimly, this was so romantic and sad. Why is it that epic love always seems to end in tragedy? Is it because they know that they will die? Perhaps. Yes, that must be it.
    You're such an amazing poet Rimly.

  11. Portia thank you so much

    Nelieta thank you for commenting

  12. Linda, this was a poem in anticipation. Thank you for commenting

  13. Yes Alpana one day at a time. Thank you dear for your thoughtful comment

  14. So sad and so beautiful....As always....XOXOXOXOXO

  15. No Rimly! No! You will live forever...somewhere. And wherever you are will be its own paradise!

  16. Rimly, this touched me. That's all I can say.

  17. Poignant, so sad, so exquisitely written . . . my heart is touched deeply by this as I recall the loss of my husband, John, many years ago.

    Blessings, Rimly!

  18. This has to be one of your best poems, Rimly. when are you sending your creations to press? about time girl, you are depriving many others of your talent.

  19. Rimly, We never really leave, our heart always hovers over those we love and our thoughts linger around theirs. What we do is distance our bodies from hurtful situations and people but our souls remain connected forever. Your poems bring out so many emotions in us and we ache and feel with you. Would love to read a poem about your heart's boundless happiness and joy next time, my dearest friend.

  20. Oh my soul sis're back into dark poetry. It gave me the shivers just thinking about it... although I like the 'fusion of souls' part.

    You always bring me to that area in me I do not wish to look at nor want to touch ~ honest... direct... profound... that is you :)

  21. Thank you Debra so much for that wonderful comment. I do hope I find my own paradise some days

  22. Punamjr welcome to Journey. Thank you for reading and commenting

  23. Martha I hope remembering your late husband did not make you feel sad. I hope you remembered him and all the good times you had with him. This poem is one of my sad poems written earlier. But I think now my poems are more positive. Thnak you for your comment

  24. Rimjhim my sister stop getting after me to publish :)))) I am sure when and if the time is right it will happen. But thank you sweetie for always encouraging me.

  25. Sulekha I know what you mean. This was one of my first poem and those days they were dark and sad. As someone told me today that I needed to deal with pain naturally and writing sad poems earlier was cathartic. I think my tone of poetry has improved a lot now. LOL! Thank you Outlier for your always wise and honest comments

  26. Hello my sweet soul sis Melissa, this was an earlier dark poem. Dont get into it if it makes you hesitate. Many a time we dont want to go in there. I used to write very dark poems but I think now they are much more positive. Take care dear. xoxo

  27. Where are you going? Just kidding.
    What is left when we are gone is the essence of Love that others carry for all time.

    A and BlogNostics
    as one

  28. That took my breath away, you goddess of poetry!!

  29. You just keep getting better and better lovely, touching words strung together like no other!!!

  30. Hey A I am not going anywhere. This was just my tragic self imagining what it would be like if I am gone. LOL! Thank you for commenting

  31. Thank you Swati, my ever encouraging friend!

  32. Jim, my dear friend, really missed you in my blog. Am glad you are back. Missed your photography a lot. Thank you.

  33. Leah thank you so much. I dont know why but it does end doesnt it?

  34. Thank you for your comment Jessica M

  35. Rimly,

    the essence of you will always be with in the people whom you have touched : )

    Loving you

    BTW Alex posted you in BN the Group : )



  36. Hello.
    This is moody & melancholic, but penned beautifully.
    Nice images too.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Seasons Of Beauty

  37. Beautiful, I love the way you are able to express your emotions of the moment. The reader can actually feel what you are writing. thank you. <3Jan

  38. Wonderful topic and outpouring. Congrats

  39. A tombstone carving written from the heart.

  40. Isn't it funny how love often deepens when it ends? So wonderfully illustrated here! Hugs!

  41. Thank you Jessica for your comment. Please do thank Alex too for adding me to BN Group

  42. Thank you Andy for your visit and comment

  43. Jan thank you so much for your lovely comment. xoxo

  44. Thank you so much for your comment Jerly

  45. FherYmas you are right. It is indeed a tombstone carving. Thank you for reading and commenting

  46. Tameka yes sometimes loves deepens when it ends because then you are able to love without expecting anything anymore. Thank you for your lovely comment
