
Monday, July 11, 2011

Hope and Wait...

Hope and Wait…

“Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords”
                                                                                                                                                                      Samuel Johnson

I think of hope and I think of waiting…we hope and we wait for it to become a reality. We desire therefore we hope. Sometimes they are fulfilled; sometimes a lifetime is over without realizing them. Our only possession in this world is hope, without it, the brightness of our life is gone. And we wait…sometimes lifetimes. But is that all needed for our desires to be realized? Just hope and wish? And yet it is also said that if you desire something intensely the whole universe conspires to give it to you. So am I underestimating the power of hope, desire and the mind? Or do we strive towards that desire by working at it in the hope they will be ours….whatever we long for? Or do we just sit and wait and hope? What happens when the person you love and desire to spend your life with shuts the door? All he does is sit behind that closed door and hopes, afraid to step out and meet his love halfway? While his lover sits on the other side of the closed door and waits, stoking the flames of hope, knowing nothing can happen unless that door is opened by him.

My hungry eyes long for a glimpse of you,
My empty ears wait to be drowned in your voice,
My lost soul cries to become one with you,
My body thirsting for your touch
But my broken heart mourns
For the hopelessness of all that can never be…
And wishes sometimes it hadn’t
Belonged to you, my love.
The hours are slipping
Another day is coming to an end,
Another step towards futility
While I die a thousand deaths waiting….

We have two choices…live in the present or move on. Many will say this waiting is not worth it while others say “Make the most of this present, bask in the love for who has seen the future?” It is never easy to move on… it takes courage and a complete death of that hope. We move on to other desires and hope for something new, something that has more possibilities of it being fulfilled. We move on saying it was meant to be…that is the consolation we give. But I wonder if that hope remains buried somewhere deep, the only thing that has changed is that we remove our focus from it? Perhaps not… We need to live and for us to keep life in motion desires are necessary. Therefore we hope again for something else and wait…

She wept because she needed him
She felt forlorn because
She wanted to be lost in his strong embrace,
The façade of being strong and resolute
Enervate her tired limbs
She just wants to be a woman
To her man
To be held close to his heart
Safely cocooned in his warm presence
Not a visitor to her lonely evenings…
Is it too much to ask for?
She wonders aloud…

The fragrance of her soul must be as intoxicating
As the passion of her mind
Maybe the silvery moonlight will
Soon break through those ominous clouds
And they will hide from the glow of her face
Tears from her eyes will show her way
Like sparkling pearls
The rose petal lips will usher in
A lifetime of contentment
And companionship
Swallowing her lump
She wonders aloud…
Is it too much to ask for?

(The above verse is by a dear friend and mentor)

What say you my dear readers? Would love to get your comments.


  1. The man that has not opened the door yet does not know what he is missing. Rimly - the poetess, the utterly romantic, the real woman to her man, the mother of all mothers and the gorgeous smile that shelters a hundred emotions... Loved your style in this post.

  2. No it's not, you ask and you will get. Think you have it and it will be yours. A lovely composition of prose and poetry, Rimly. You are my favorite writer...way to go, my dear Outlier.

  3. to wait is the life of hope, faith that it will come is love. together it is the soul god bless

  4. I love your line the hope is our only possession Hope is great but much like dreaming can be helpful in our lives. We cannot stand still and just hope. We need to have hope but keep moving. To wait for someone to change their mind about feelings for us is an exercise in futility. Might it happen? Sure it could. But waiting for that is like betting all your money on the longest shot on the board. If you lose ( and most times you will) you have lost / wasted everything/time and the one thing we only get a limited supply of is time. If we hope/dream/wait then we wallow in pain and it defines us.

  5. What do I say here..I can understand you,and no,you have never asked for anything that cannot be given...You deserve much more than what you are getting.Hope,but not to a point of lowering yourself,Experience is the best teacher of all. And for that, there are no guarantees that one will become an artist. Only the journey matters.Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.

  6. @Kriti my goddess I am overwhelmed by all the wonderful things you write about me. Thank you beautiful one.
    @Sulekha, my outlier your positiveness and optimism amazes me. Thank you for always encouraging me to think that way. Love you
    @Roy always an honor having you visit my blog and commenting. Thank you so much.
    @Jim what you say is so true. It is like betting your whole life away waiting for something that may never happen. Thank you so much.

  7. Spoken like the wise one my dear Alpana. Thank you babes

  8. All we have beaautiful Rimly is ourselves...all the hope, love and joy of life has to come from within. We fill our own cup first, only then can we drink from another. It is our own destiny that we are in charge of. We have no dominion over another...if we put that hope and faith into another to feel as we do, we may be disappointed. Therein lies the rub. However, if your cup is no longer need, if you no longer need you can then go out and create. I think the key is to have hope for "Self" to be able to actualize wholeness within. When you live that essence of wholeness, you then attract others that are whole. They walk at the same level you do. You are no longer have no need...then you become a partnership.Each filling the others cup, never draining. I love the way you is pure and raw at the same time. It speaks of the longing of the heart, it speaks of disappointment, of waiting, of dreams and hopes unfulfilled. It speaks of resiliance..always looking for that state of completeness...or someone to complete you. Discover yourself first...Always...

  9. hope, desire and needs.. a trio which can let you succumb to pressure of greed. Her soul is intoxicating.. wow.. that was rebellious and i loved it :)

    Weakest LINK

  10. I've read this several times before making a comment soul sis. It enveloped my whole being. It wasn't just a part of me longing for Sam to come back but my entire existence depends on this hope I have deep within me. But it's something dynamic...not just "sitting around" kind of waiting...there's a Force that moves within that continues to evolve asking for something more---Charity towards myself and others. There must be something great out there that awaits all of us.

    But at this very moment, I wish God would fulfill that certain hope that keeps my heart awake and vigilant.

    There must be something for you out there!

    love you soul sis!

  11. I love how it read from the beginning, "Hope is the species of happiness" and how you've had it ended "Is it too much to ask for?" And I'd say yes, if we hope for something utterly beyond us. But I like this attitude that leaves space for introspection on our goals in life and how we hope and wait for them to be achieved.

    This is more than mere sentiment Rimly. It's worth pondering on.

  12. All we have in this world is our hopes, wishes and dreams be it presently, future or past. I have lived in the past, in the future and in the present moment. To live is all we can do, we aren't meant to know what will be or why it was. Our biggest downfall in our lives is thinking we are somehow entitled to know why things happen or don't happen for us. Constantly being obsessed with why's, when, if's, etc... is not living life it is not embracing what we have been given which is a life to live and opportunities every single moment to change or adapt to our surroundings. Good things don't come to those who wait they show up because we have journey'd towards them. Hope, wish, dream for all you want but, never stop moving towards them.

  13. I guess I've read your Collaberation poetry with Alpana. I like this one too. Very impressive work.

  14. Hope is what keeps us going Rimly...but then its important that it changes with time, with life and our changing priorities. I believe strongly that Karma is key...maybe we have debts to pay from past lives. Maybe, hopes are meant to be crushed, and we dont realise it then, but it is for our good! Lovely piece...keep hoping, because no matter what, everything will turn out just right in the end!

  15. We cant leave the hope..its the very thread that connects our soul and our existence. no matter how mch we try...its spontaneous and its unconciously a part of our living. and same goes for desires its al kinda connected and extremely essential too :)
    a very mature post..and poetically i loved those closing lines by ur frnd :)


  16. Rims i hv many wonderful things to write about you that this little space will not be enough. without hope we are nowhere. If you didnt have hope now at this moment in your life, life would hv been so boring and meaningless for you - no excitement! i want the best to happen to you my love and yes i want the door to open for you BUT not the same door...a different door. Same door will take you to the same place and that place is cold and full of mirrors.The new door will take you to a new place where you have never been before but where you have always wanted to go.
    This time u will not hope alone....I am with you. IS

  17. @RavenMyth you are so right. No one can fulfill us until we are fulfilled within. I have also realized that the moment you let go of this hope for happiness that you seek from others you are free. I feel that sense of freedom and I realize that I really dont need anyone to give me happiness, it is within me. Thank you for reminding me about this one and only truth again. Love you.

  18. Rachit thank you so much. I am glad you liked it

  19. Melissa my soul sis, hope is necessary but one that makes you anxious and unhappy and that is most unlikely to be fulfilled, that immobilizes you emotionally and physically is not worth it.

  20. Thank you Blognostics, you are right.We should not hope for something beyond reach.

  21. @Forjenssake thank you for commenting. Yes we all need to hope and desire but we need to move towards it, to strive for it. Thank you once again for visiting and reading my post

  22. My dear, dear Rimly...There's at least three of you girls out there who I've come to know rather recently (you know who the other two are), who are so beautiful outside and within and I wonder why you have to go through so much of pain and longing...Every time I read your posts I wish I had a magic wand...Having gone through these emotions and the pain I know how you feel. But you know what you all are doing a much better job than I ever did of expressing yourselves so beautifully and building a wonderful community. Love will come and it will take you by surprise - your hope is not in vain. Love you and the others too very much!

  23. Swati I too believe in Karma. And things only happen for a reason. When hopes are crushed we as humans tend to mourn but without doubt when we look back we realize that it was for our own good. Thank you my friend for commenting

  24. NJ great to see you here and commenting. I love your work too. Thank you for visiting and reading

  25. Sarah it is so good to see you here after a long time. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

  26. This was a truly impresseve read. You really seem to be coming through as a brilliant writer and blogger. Never give up hope, nor let go of your desires, but when you want something enough, then take action.

  27. Hello my IS I know you have been with me through thick and thin and I also know I am not alone in my hope. Love you soul sis. Finally I get to see your comment. :)))

  28. Oh Corrine love you too. Thank you for wishing us three love. We still hope and wait, not vain I hope :))) Thank you my friend. Wish you had that magic wand but I suppose nothing happens before time.

  29. Oh Corrine love you too. Thank you for wishing us three love. We still hope and wait, not vain I hope :))) Thank you my friend. Wish you had that magic wand but I suppose there is a time for everything

  30. Oh Corrine love you too. Thank you for wishing us three love. We still hope and wait, not vain I hope :))) Thank you my friend. Wish you had that magic wand but I suppose there is a time for everything

  31. Larry coming from a positive person like is a real compliment. Thank you so much. Yes I will not give up on hope

  32. I commented on FB on this post-i am a hope addict...out and out-it is what makes me optimistic and wishful.

  33. To have hope is to maintain a glimmer of happiness and love in the future; when one has hope one leaves the door open for endless possibilities including Love. To lose hope is to dash love into the depths of hell and that's just not tolerable!!

    As hope is needed in life, action is also required in many instances when one is jilted and ignored. Often we must be the pursuer and go after what we desire and truly want in life, hoping someone brings love into our life is not enough...we must do whatever is necessary and not sit back and hope. Hope and action equals Love!! Beautiful post as always!!!

  34. Rimly -I love the flow of this write. As for having hoping and longing, the two combined in a heart is one of those unanswerable questions and state of mind, or is that state of the human heart. I sometimes wish I wasn’t the sort of person that had hope, looked at the world in black and white, and accepted it as it came, and that I lacked that sort of longing for unchangeable things like love and passion, BUT like you I am not wired that way. Being this way inclined can be brutal because we wander the halls of our minds asking and pleading for answers and for things that we don’t always understand – yes? Still, there are brilliant moments in our lives (and I know you have had some, and will do again) when it makes the journey all more valuable.

  35. additionally this is what i have to have an award waiting for you...come pick it up!

  36. Rimly, first I adore your clover template which should bring you the best of luck - *happy wishes*
    I know that to everything there is a season and a purpose for everything. And I believe that hope in certain objects of affection should die, otherwise they can become obsessions. And obsessions can become an albatross around our neck and keep us from reaching our higher good. Of course there are certain God-given desires, and these will probably always remain. However, it is important to be willing to let go.

    He who binds himself to a joy doth the winged life destroy
    but he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in eternity’s sunrise. ~ William Blake

  37. Hi Rimly -

    I think if hope becomes an obsession and the if the hope is based on past experiences that are non-existent in today's life, then hope is futile and wasted effort. If love is going to happen, none of my worrying, dwelling, hypothesizing, ect... is going to conjure that love in to existence. Usually the door doesn't open because love doesn't exist through that door. We can try to force the door open and lure another through it but then we are kidding our selves.

  38. I totally agree that you can't really, completely, move on until you shut the door on that hope. But, it is a tough thing to do. I've been there. It takes time, effort and encouragement from friends.

    I sat around hoping a guy would change his mind about me for a really long time once. After I finally was able to feel I'd moved on, I realized that perhaps he did know what he was missing when he let me go, but perhaps he also saw why he was not perfect for me and didn't want to waste years of my life.

    I know it sounds cliche, but... if this guy can't see how awesome you are, he is blind and doesn't deserve you. Hang in there. Your prince will come.

  39. My dear rimly,
    When your world falls down around me,
    And the ground is sinking sand;
    When peace can't be found on this earth,
    I will reach out to you for your hand.

    Then if your hand wraps 'round my own,
    A strength i will pour from my soul;
    to bring you to a quiet calm,
    Till once again you are a whole.

    this i can promise as you are one of my beloved. there are not many days that we will be very close together. i will always be with you to take away your sorrow and share my happiness. i am looking forward to be with you in all ways, very soon. take care. i want you to mend your weakness with self believe and make it your strength.

  40. @Brenda, I wish sometimes too that I wasn't like that but like you said we have had brilliant moments too. And yes the journey is the important thing, that is what enriches us. Thank you for reading and commenting

  41. @Sukanya thank you lovely sis for that honor. As for publishing I really dont know. But love you for having that confidence in my writing

  42. @Debra thank you for liking my template. I dont know why I chose it after hours of trying others. A coincidence? Maybe luck is coming my way.I agree about hopes becoming obsessions.But we cannot give up on hope. Thank you so much for reading andcommenting

  43. @Charlie I agree we often delude ourselves but if it truly love then it doesnt need coercing or force. It is a futile effort to hope then. It is better to let go and move on. Thank you reading and commenting. Good to have you back

  44. @Rachel it is not easy to move and let go. But if it is meant to be we eventually find the courage to do so and also a certainty that there is no hope in it. And whatever happens happens for our best. Thank you so much for commenting

  45. Love you Sancheeta. I am really looking forward having loads of fun with you

  46. Lovely post I love the way your words flow.

  47. I liked how you said, having the Hope and working towards it. That's me. Nicely done!

  48. I just keep coming back to read this, I can't see you as the person who just waits and waits, you have far too much passion and you ask all the right questions, I think you are a person who knows how to find the right balance of waiting but moving, let them chase and give them just enough time to catch up before embracing them x

  49. Rimly, your words are powerful, with such feeling. You always hold onto the faith that there is something on the other end of our journey through all the tears and heartache. This is beautiful and leaves me with wonder today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  50. Thank you Jan for reading and commenting

    I am yet to go and visit your blog Sea Green Natural but I will. Thank you so much for commenting

  51. You are right. I am not a person who will wait endlessly. I would die waiting for a hopeless desire that can never be. After a point I will just move on and never look back. Thank you for understanding SJ

  52. Anna thank you so much for reading and commenting. I can never give up on hope no matter what. If not hoping for something totally futile then it will be for some other new hope.
